from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union
from typing import Iterator, Set
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import List
[docs]class HostState(Enum):
""" Batsim Host State Types """
IDLE = 4
def __str__(self) -> str:
[docs]class StorageState(Enum):
""" Batsim Storage State Types """
[docs]class PowerStateType(Enum):
""" Batsim Host Power State Types """
def __str__(self) -> str:
[docs]class PowerState:
""" This class describes a power state model.
When the host is on, the energy consumption naturally depends on both the
current CPU load and the host energy profile.
pstate_id: The power state id. Must be unique.
pstate_type: The power state type.
watt_idle: Consumption (Watts) when the host is up but without anything to do.
watt_full: Consumption (Watts) when the host cpu is at 100%.
AssertionError: In case of invalid arguments type.
ValueError: In case of watts are invalid values or the power profile
values are not equal when the power state type is not a computation one.
>>> ps1 = PowerState(0, PowerStateType.COMPUTATION, 90, 160)
>>> ps2 = PowerState(0, PowerStateType.SLEEP, 10, 10)
def __init__(self,
pstate_id: int,
pstate_type: PowerStateType,
watt_idle: float,
watt_full: float) -> None:
if watt_idle < 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `watt_idle` argument to be greater '
'than or equal to zero, got {}'.format(watt_idle))
if watt_full < 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `watt_full` argument to be greater '
'than or equal to zero, got {}'.format(watt_full))
if pstate_type != PowerStateType.COMPUTATION and watt_idle != watt_full:
raise ValueError('Expected `watt_idle` and `watt_full` '
'arguments to have the same value when '
'power state type is not COMPUTATION, '
'got {} and {}.'.format(watt_idle, watt_full))
assert isinstance(pstate_type, PowerStateType)
self.__id = pstate_id
self.__type = pstate_type
self.__watt_idle = float(watt_idle)
self.__watt_full = float(watt_full)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "{}.{} ({})".format(self.type.__class__.__name__, str(self.type),
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(self)
def id(self) -> int:
""" The Power State ID """
return self.__id
def watt_idle(self) -> float:
""" Consumption (Watts) when the host is up but without anything to do. """
return self.__watt_idle
def watt_full(self) -> float:
""" Consumption (Watts) when the host cpu is at 100%. """
return self.__watt_full
def type(self) -> PowerStateType:
""" The power state type. """
return self.__type
[docs]class Storage:
""" This class describes a Batsim storage resource.
id: The storage id. Must be unique within a platform.
name: The storage name.
allow_sharing: Whether multiple jobs can share the storage.
Defaults to True.
metadata: Extra storage properties that can be used by some functions
beyond the scope of Batsim or Batsim-py. Defaults to None.
def __init__(self,
id: int,
name: str,
allow_sharing: bool = True,
metadata: Optional[dict] = None) -> None:
self.__id = int(id)
self.__name = str(name)
self.__metadata = metadata
self.__allow_sharing = allow_sharing
self.__jobs: Set[str] = set()
self.__state = StorageState.AVAILABLE
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Storage_{}"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"Storage_{}"
def id(self) -> int:
""" Storage ID """
return self.__id
def name(self) -> str:
""" Storage name. """
return self.__name
def state(self) -> StorageState:
""" The storage current state. """
return self.__state
def metadata(self) -> Optional[dict]:
""" Storage extra properties. """
if self.__metadata:
return dict(self.__metadata)
return None
def jobs(self) -> List[str]:
""" All jobs that are using this storage. """
return list(self.__jobs)
def is_unavailable(self) -> bool:
""" Whether the storage is unavailable or not. """
return self.state == StorageState.UNAVAILABLE
def is_allocated(self) -> bool:
""" Whether the storage is being used by a job or not. """
return bool(self.__jobs)
def is_shareable(self) -> bool:
""" Whether multiple jobs can share this storage or not. """
return self.__allow_sharing
def _set_unavailable(self) -> None:
""" The storage becomes unavailable.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only as
a response from an external event file. Unavailable storages
cannot be allocated.
self.__state = StorageState.UNAVAILABLE
def _set_available(self) -> None:
""" The storage becomes available.
SystemError: In case of storage is not unavailable.
if self.state != StorageState.UNAVAILABLE:
raise SystemError("A storage must be unavailable to become "
f"available, got {self.state}")
self.__state = StorageState.AVAILABLE
def _allocate(self, job_id: str) -> None:
""" Allocate the storage for a job.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
job_id: The id of the job that will use this storage.
RuntimeError: In case of storage the storage is unavailable or it is
not shareable and is already being used by another job.
if self.is_unavailable:
raise RuntimeError("This storage is unavailable.")
if not self.is_shareable and self.is_allocated:
raise RuntimeError('This storage cannot be used by multiple jobs.')
def _release(self, job_id: str) -> None:
""" Release storage.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
job_id: The job that will release this storage.
[docs]class Host:
""" This class describes a Batsim computing resource (host).
A host is a resource on which a job can execute.
id: The host id. Must be unique within a platform.
name: The host name.
pstates: The host power states. Defaults to None.
A host can have several computing power states but only one sleep
and transition (On/Off) power states. Computing power states serve
as a way to implement different DVFS levels while the transition
power states are used only to simulate the costs of switching On/Off.
A host cannot be used when it's being switched On/Off or sleeping.
If you only want to implement DVFS, there is no need to provide a sleep
power state and a transition power state. Moreover, if you provide a sleep
power state you must also provide both transition power states.
allow_sharing: Whether multiple jobs can share the host or not.
Defaults to False.
metadata: Extra host properties that can be used by some functions
beyond the scope of Batsim or Batsim-py. Defaults to None.
AssertionError: In case of invalid arguments type.
ValueError: In case of missing pstates or pstate ids are not unique.
>>> ps1 = PowerState(0, PowerStateType.COMPUTATION, 10, 100)
>>> ps2 = PowerState(1, PowerStateType.COMPUTATION, 15, 150)
>>> h = Host(0, "Host_0", [ps1, ps2])
def __init__(self,
id: int,
name: str,
pstates: Optional[Sequence[PowerState]] = None,
allow_sharing: bool = False,
metadata: Optional[dict] = None) -> None:
self.__id = int(id)
self.__name = str(name)
self.__state = HostState.IDLE
self.__allow_sharing = allow_sharing
self.__jobs: Set[str] = set()
self.__pstates = None
self.__current_pstate = None
self.__metadata = metadata
self.__state_before_unavailable: Optional[HostState] = None
if pstates:
if len(set( for p in pstates)) != len(pstates):
raise ValueError('Expected `pstates` argument to have unique '
'ids, got {}.'.format(pstates))
v: dict = defaultdict(int)
for p in pstates:
v[p.type] += 1
if v[PowerStateType.COMPUTATION] == 0:
raise ValueError('The host must have at least one COMPUTATION '
'power state, got {}.'
nb = v[PowerStateType.SLEEP]
nb += v[PowerStateType.SWITCHING_OFF]
nb += v[PowerStateType.SWITCHING_ON]
if nb > 0:
if v[PowerStateType.SLEEP] != 1:
raise ValueError('The host sleeping power state was not '
'defined or is not unique, got {}'
if v[PowerStateType.SWITCHING_OFF] != 1:
raise ValueError('The host switching off power state was '
'not defined or is not unique, got {}'
if v[PowerStateType.SWITCHING_ON] != 1:
raise ValueError('The host switching on power state was '
'not defined or is not unique, got {}'
self.__pstates = tuple(sorted(pstates, key=lambda p: int(
self.__current_pstate = self.get_default_pstate()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "Host_%i" %
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "Host_%i: %s" % (, str(self.state))
def id(self) -> int:
""" The Host ID """
return self.__id
def name(self) -> str:
""" Host name. """
return self.__name
def state(self) -> HostState:
""" Host current state. """
return self.__state
def jobs(self) -> List[str]:
""" A sequence of job ids that are allocated on this host. """
return list(self.__jobs)
def pstate(self) -> Optional[PowerState]:
""" Host current power state. """
return self.__current_pstate
def pstates(self) -> Optional[List[PowerState]]:
""" A sequence of all power states defined. """
if self.__pstates:
return list(self.__pstates)
return None
def metadata(self) -> Optional[dict]:
""" Host extra properties. """
if self.__metadata:
return dict(self.__metadata)
return None
def is_allocated(self) -> bool:
""" Whether this host was allocated for some job or not. """
return bool(self.__jobs)
def is_idle(self) -> bool:
""" Whether this host is idle (0% cpu) or not. """
return self.__state == HostState.IDLE
def is_computing(self) -> bool:
""" Whether this host is computing (100% cpu) or not. """
return self.__state == HostState.COMPUTING
def is_switching_off(self) -> bool:
""" Whether this host is switching off or not. """
return self.__state == HostState.SWITCHING_OFF
def is_switching_on(self) -> bool:
""" Whether this host is switching on or not. """
return self.__state == HostState.SWITCHING_ON
def is_sleeping(self) -> bool:
""" Whether this host is sleeping or not. """
return self.__state == HostState.SLEEPING
def is_shareable(self) -> bool:
""" Whether multiple jobs can share this host or not. """
return self.__allow_sharing
def is_unavailable(self) -> bool:
""" Whether it's possible to execute jobs or not. """
return self.__state == HostState.UNAVAILABLE
def power(self) -> Optional[float]:
""" Instantaneous power consumption (in Watts). """
if not self.pstate:
return None
elif self.is_computing:
return self.pstate.watt_full
return self.pstate.watt_idle
[docs] def get_pstate_by_type(self, ps_type: PowerStateType) -> List[PowerState]:
""" Get a power state by type.
ps_type: The power state type.
RuntimeError: In case of power states were not defined.
LookupError: In case of power state could not be found.
All power states with the corresponding power state type.
if not self.__pstates:
raise RuntimeError('Cannot get undefined power states. Make sure the '
'power states are defined in the '
'platform description (XML).')
pstates = [p for p in self.__pstates if p.type == ps_type]
if not pstates:
raise LookupError('Power states with type {} could not '
'be found.'.format(ps_type))
return pstates
[docs] def get_pstate_by_id(self, pstate_id: int) -> PowerState:
""" Get a power state by id.
pstate_id: The power state id.
LookupError: In case of power state could not be found.
RuntimeError: In case of power states were not defined.
The power state with the corresponding id.
if not self.__pstates:
raise RuntimeError('Cannot get undefined power states. Make sure the '
'power states are defined in the '
'platform description (XML).')
ps = next((p for p in self.__pstates if == pstate_id), None)
if not ps:
raise LookupError('Power state with id {} could not '
'be found.'.format(pstate_id))
return ps
[docs] def get_sleep_pstate(self) -> PowerState:
""" Get the sleep power state.
LookupError: In case of sleep power state could not be found.
RuntimeError: In case of power states were not defined.
The sleep power state.
return self.get_pstate_by_type(PowerStateType.SLEEP)[0]
[docs] def get_default_pstate(self) -> PowerState:
""" Get the default power state.
The default power state is the first computation state provided in
the sequence power states which, is sorted by the id.
LookupError: In case of power state could not be found.
RuntimeError: In case of power states were not defined.
The default power state.
return self.get_pstate_by_type(PowerStateType.COMPUTATION)[0]
def _switch_off(self) -> None:
""" Switch off the host.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
It simulates the sleeping routine and its time/cost.
LookupError: In case of switching off or sleep power states
could not be found.
RuntimeError: In case of power states were not defined or the
host cannot be switched off which, occurs when the host is
not idle or it's allocated for a job.
s_off_ps = self.get_pstate_by_type(PowerStateType.SWITCHING_OFF)
s_ps = self.get_pstate_by_type(PowerStateType.SLEEP)
assert s_off_ps and s_ps
if self.is_allocated or not self.is_idle:
raise RuntimeError('A host must be idle and free to be able to '
'switch off, got {}'.format(self.state))
def _switch_on(self) -> None:
""" Switch on the host.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
It simulates the bootup routine and its time/cost.
LookupError: In case of switching on power state could not be found.
RuntimeError: In case of power states were not defined or
the current host state is not sleeping.
ps = self.get_pstate_by_type(PowerStateType.SWITCHING_ON)
if not self.is_sleeping:
raise RuntimeError('A host must be sleeping to switch on, '
'got {}'.format(self.state))
def _set_computation_pstate(self, pstate_id: int) -> None:
""" Set a computation power state.
This is useful when DVFS is desired. It's an internal method to be
used by the simulator only.
pstate_id: The power state id.
RuntimeError: In case of power states were not defined or it is
not a computation one or the current host state is not idle
nor computing.
LookupError: In case of power state could not be found.
next_ps = self.get_pstate_by_id(pstate_id)
if next_ps.type != PowerStateType.COMPUTATION:
raise RuntimeError('The power state is not a computation one, ',
'got {}'.format(next_ps))
if not self.is_idle and not self.is_computing:
raise RuntimeError('A host must be idle or computing to switch to '
'another computation power state, '
'got {}'.format(self.state))
def _set_off(self) -> None:
""" Finish the switching off routine and sleep.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
SystemError: In case of the current host state is not switching off.
if not self.is_switching_off:
raise SystemError('A host must be switching off to sleep, '
'got {}'.format(self.state))
ps = self.get_pstate_by_type(PowerStateType.SLEEP)
def _set_on(self) -> None:
""" Finish the switching on routine and wake up.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
SystemError: In case of the current host state is not switching on.
if not self.is_switching_on:
raise SystemError('A host must be switching on to wake up, '
'got {}'.format(self.state))
ps = self.get_default_pstate()
def _set_unavailable(self) -> None:
""" The host become unavailable.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only as
a response from an external event file.
self.__state_before_unavailable = self.state
def _set_available(self) -> None:
""" The host become available.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only as
a response from an external event file.
SystemError: In case of host is not unavailable.
if not self.is_unavailable:
raise SystemError("A host must be unavailable to become "
f"available, got {self.state}")
assert self.__state_before_unavailable
self.__state_before_unavailable = None
def _allocate(self, job_id: str) -> None:
""" Allocate the host for a job.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
job_id: The job that will use this host.
RuntimeError: In case of host is not shareable and is already
being used by another job or the host is unavailable.
if self.is_unavailable:
raise RuntimeError("This host is currently unavailable.")
if not self.is_shareable and self.is_allocated:
raise RuntimeError('This host cannot be used by multiple jobs.')
def _start_computing(self) -> None:
""" Start computing.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
SystemError: In case of the current host power state is not a
computation one or there are no jobs allocated or the host is
if self.is_unavailable:
raise SystemError('Unavailable hosts cannot execute jobs.')
if not self.is_idle and not self.is_computing:
raise SystemError('A host must be idle or computing to be able to '
'start a new job, got {}'.format(self.state))
if not
raise SystemError('The host must be allocated for a job '
'before start computing.')
def _release(self, job_id: str) -> None:
""" Release the resource.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
job_id: The job that will release this host.
if not self.__jobs:
def __set_pstate(self, new_pstate: PowerState) -> None:
""" Set the power state.
This is an internal method to be used by the host instance only.
AssertionError: In case of invalid argument type.
assert self.__current_pstate
assert isinstance(new_pstate, PowerState)
self.__current_pstate = new_pstate
def __set_state(self, new_state: HostState) -> None:
""" Set the state.
This is an internal method to be used by the host instance only.
AssertionError: In case of invalid argument type.
assert isinstance(new_state, HostState)
self.__state = new_state