from abc import ABC
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Dict
[docs]class JobState(Enum):
""" Batsim Job State Types """
def __str__(self) -> str:
[docs]class JobProfile(ABC):
""" Batsim Job Profile base class.
name: The profile name. Must be unique within a workload.
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
self.__name = str(name)
def name(self) -> str:
"""The profile's name. """
return self.__name
[docs]class DelayJobProfile(JobProfile):
""" Batsim Delay Job Profile class.
This class describes a job that will sleep during the defined time.
name: The profile name. Must be unique within a workload.
delay: The sleep time.
ValueError: In case of delay is not greater than zero.
A job that will sleep for 100 seconds.
>>> profile = DelayJobProfile(name="delay", delay=100)
def __init__(self, name: str, delay: float) -> None:
if delay <= 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `delay` argument to be a number '
'greater than zero, got {}'.format(delay))
self.__delay = float(delay)
def delay(self) -> float:
"""The sleep time. """
return self.__delay
[docs]class ParallelJobProfile(JobProfile):
""" Batsim Parallel Job Profile class.
This class describes a job that performs a set of computations and
communications on the allocated hosts.
name: The profile name. Must be unique within a workload.
cpu: A list that defines the amount of flops to be computed on each
allocated host.
com: A list [host x host] that defines the amount of bytes to be
transferred between the allocated hosts.
ValueError: In case of `cpu` is not provided or `com` has an invalid size
or their values are less than zero.
Two hosts computing 10E6 flops each with local communication only.
>>> profile = ParallelJobProfile(name="parallel", cpu=[10e6, 10e6], com=[5e6, 0, 0, 5e6])
Two hosts computing 2E6 flops each with host 1 sending 5E6 bytes to host 2.
>>> profile = ParallelJobProfile(name="parallel", cpu=[2e6, 2e6], com=[0, 5e6, 0, 0])
One host computing 2E6 flops with host 1 sending 5E6 bytes to host 2 and host 2 sending 10E6 bytes to host 1.
>>> profile = ParallelJobProfile(name="parallel", cpu=[2e6, 0], com=[0, 5e6, 10e6, 0])
def __init__(self,
name: str,
cpu: Sequence[float],
com: Sequence[float]) -> None:
if not cpu:
raise ValueError('Expected `cpu` argument to be a non '
'empty sequence, got {}.'.format(cpu))
if len(com) != len(cpu) * len(cpu):
raise ValueError('Expected `com` argument to be a '
'list of size [host x host], got {}'.format(com))
if not all(c >= 0 for c in cpu):
raise ValueError('Expected `cpu` argument to have values '
'not less than zero.')
if not all(c >= 0 for c in com):
raise ValueError('Expected `com` argument to have values '
'not less than zero.')
self.__cpu = list(cpu)
self.__com = list(com)
def cpu(self) -> Sequence[float]:
"""The amount of flops to be computed on each host."""
return self.__cpu
def com(self) -> Sequence[float]:
"""The amount of bytes to be transferred between hosts."""
return self.__com
[docs]class ParallelHomogeneousJobProfile(JobProfile):
""" Batsim Parallel Homogeneous Job Profile class.
This class describes a job that performs the same computation and
communication on all allocated hosts.
name: The profile name. Must be unique within a workload.
cpu: The amount of flops to be computed on each allocated host.
com: The amount of bytes to be sent and received between each pair of hosts.
The loopback communication of each machine defaults to 0.
ValueError: In case of `com` or `cpu` are not greater than zero.
>>> profile = ParallelHomogeneousJobProfile("name", cpu=10e6, com=5e6)
def __init__(self,
name: str,
cpu: float,
com: float) -> None:
if cpu == 0 and com == 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `cpu` or `com` argument '
' to be defined.')
if cpu < 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `cpu` argument to be '
'not less than zero.')
if com < 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `com` argument to be '
'not less than zero.')
self.__cpu = float(cpu)
self.__com = float(com)
def cpu(self) -> float:
"""The amount of flops to be computed on each host."""
return self.__cpu
def com(self) -> float:
"""The amount of bytes to be transferred between hosts."""
return self.__com
[docs]class ParallelHomogeneousTotalJobProfile(JobProfile):
""" Batsim Parallel Homogeneous Total Job Profile class.
This class describes a job that equally distributes the total amount of
computation and communication between the allocated hosts.
name: The profile name. Must be unique within a workload.
cpu: The total amount of flops to be computed on all hosts.
com: The total amount of bytes to be sent and received on each
pair of hosts.
ValueError: In case of `com` or `cpu` are not greater than zero.
>>> profile = ParallelHomogeneousTotalJobProfile("name", cpu=10e6, com=5e6)
def __init__(self,
name: str,
cpu: float,
com: float) -> None:
if cpu == 0 and com == 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `cpu` or `com` arguments '
' to be defined.')
if cpu < 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `cpu` argument to be '
'not less than zero.')
if com < 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `com` argument to be '
'not less than zero.')
self.__cpu = float(cpu)
self.__com = float(com)
def cpu(self) -> float:
"""The total amount of flops to be computed."""
return self.__cpu
def com(self) -> float:
"""The total amount of bytes to be sent and received."""
return self.__com
[docs]class ComposedJobProfile(JobProfile):
""" Batsim Composed Job Profile class.
This class describes a job that executes a sequence of profiles.
name: The profile name. Must be unique within a workload.
profiles: The profile names to execute sequentially.
repeat: The number of times to repeat the sequence. Defaults to 1.
ValueError: In case of `repeat` argument is less than 1 or profiles list
is empty.
>>> composed = ComposedJobProfile("composed", profiles=["p1", "p2"], repeat=2)
def __init__(self,
name: str,
profiles: Sequence[str],
repeat: int = 1) -> None:
if repeat <= 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `repeat` argument to be greater'
'than 0, got {}'.format(repeat))
if not profiles:
raise ValueError('Expected `profiles` argument to be a non '
'empty sequence, got {}.'.format(profiles))
self.__repeat = int(repeat)
self.__profiles = list(profiles)
def repeat(self) -> int:
"""The number of times to repeat the profile sequence."""
return self.__repeat
def profiles(self) -> Sequence[str]:
"""The sequence of profiles to execute."""
return self.__profiles
[docs]class ParallelHomogeneousPFSJobProfile(JobProfile):
""" Batsim Homogeneous Job with IO to/from PFS Profile class.
This class describes a job that represents an IO transfer between
the allocated hosts and a storage resource.
name: The profile name. Must be unique within a workload.
bytes_to_read: The amount of bytes to read.
bytes_to_write: The amount of bytes to write.
storage: The storage resource label.
ValueError: In case of `bytes_to_read` or `bytes_to_write` are not greater
than zero or `storage` is not a valid string.
>>> pfs = ParallelHomogeneousPFSJobProfile("pfs", bytes_to_read=10e6, bytes_to_write=1e6, storage="pfs")
def __init__(self,
name: str,
bytes_to_read: float,
bytes_to_write: float,
storage: str) -> None:
if bytes_to_read == 0 and bytes_to_write == 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `bytes_to_read` or `bytes_to_write` '
'arguments to be defined.')
if bytes_to_read < 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `bytes_to_read` argument to be '
'not less than zero, got {}'.format(bytes_to_read))
if bytes_to_write < 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `bytes_to_write` argument to be '
'not less than zero, got {}'.format(bytes_to_write))
if not storage:
raise ValueError('Expected `storage` argument to be a '
'valid string, got {}'.format(storage))
self.__bytes_to_read = float(bytes_to_read)
self.__bytes_to_write = float(bytes_to_write)
self.__storage = str(storage)
def bytes_to_read(self) -> float:
""" The amount of bytes to read. """
return self.__bytes_to_read
def bytes_to_write(self) -> float:
""" The amount of bytes to write. """
return self.__bytes_to_write
def storage(self) -> str:
""" The storage label. """
return self.__storage
[docs]class DataStagingJobProfile(JobProfile):
""" Batsim Data Staging Job Profile class.
This class describes a job that represents an IO transfer between
two storage resources.
name: The profile name. Must be unique within a workload.
nb_bytes: The amount of bytes to be transferred.
src: The sending storage label (source).
dest: The receiving storage label (destination).
ValueError: In case of `nb_bytes` argument is not greater than or equal
to zero and `src` or `dest` arguments are not valid strings.
>>> data = DataStagingJobProfile("data", nb_bytes=10e6, src="pfs", dest="nfs")
def __init__(self,
name: str,
nb_bytes: float,
src: str,
dest: str) -> None:
if nb_bytes <= 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `nb_bytes` argument to be a '
'positive number, got {}'.format(nb_bytes))
if not src:
raise ValueError('Expected `src` argument to be a '
'valid string, got {}'.format(src))
if not dest:
raise ValueError('Expected `dest` argument to be a '
'valid string, got {}'.format(dest))
self.__nb_bytes = float(nb_bytes)
self.__src = str(src)
self.__dest = str(dest)
def dest(self) -> str:
""" The receiving storage label."""
return self.__dest
def src(self) -> str:
""" The sending storage label. """
return self.__src
def nb_bytes(self) -> float:
""" The amount of bytes to be transferred. """
return self.__nb_bytes
[docs]class Job:
""" This class describes a rigid job.
name: The job name. Must be unique within a workload.
workload: The job workload name.
res: The number of resources requested.
profile: The job profile to be executed.
subtime: The submission time.
walltime: The execution time limit (maximum execution time).
Defaults to None.
user_id: The user id. Defaults to None.
ValueError: In case of invalid arguments value.
def __init__(self,
name: str,
workload: str,
res: int,
profile: JobProfile,
subtime: float,
walltime: Optional[float] = None,
user_id: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
if not name:
raise ValueError('Expected `name` argument to be a '
'valid string, got {}'.format(name))
if not workload:
raise ValueError('Expected `workload` argument to be a '
'valid string, got {}'.format(workload))
if res <= 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `res` argument to be greater '
'than zero, got {}'.format(res))
if subtime < 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `subtime` argument to be greater '
'than or equal to zero, got {}'.format(subtime))
if walltime is not None and walltime <= 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `walltime` argument to be greater '
'than zero, got {}'.format(walltime))
assert isinstance(profile, JobProfile)
self.__id = f"{workload}{self.WORKLOAD_SEPARATOR}{name}"
self.__res = int(res)
self.__profile = profile
self.__subtime = float(subtime)
self.__walltime = walltime
self.__user_id = user_id
self.__storage_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None
self.metadata: dict = {}
self.__state: JobState = JobState.UNKNOWN
self.__allocation: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None
self.__start_time: Optional[float] = None # will be set on start
self.__stop_time: Optional[float] = None # will be set on terminate
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Job_{}"
def id(self) -> str:
""" The job ID. """
return self.__id
def name(self) -> str:
""" The job name. """
def workload(self) -> str:
""" The job workload name. """
def subtime(self) -> float:
""" The job submission time. """
return self.__subtime
def storage_mapping(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, int]]:
""" The job storage mapping. """
return self.__storage_mapping
def res(self) -> int:
""" The number of resources requested. """
return self.__res
def profile(self) -> JobProfile:
""" The job profile. """
return self.__profile
def walltime(self) -> Optional[float]:
""" The job maximum execution time. """
return self.__walltime
def user_id(self) -> Optional[int]:
""" The user id. """
return self.__user_id
def state(self) -> JobState:
""" The current job state. """
return self.__state
def allocation(self) -> Optional[Sequence[int]]:
""" The allocated resource ids. """
if self.__allocation:
return list(self.__allocation)
return None
def is_running(self) -> bool:
""" Whether this job is running or not. """
return self.__state == JobState.RUNNING
def is_runnable(self) -> bool:
""" Whether this job is able to start or not. """
return self.__state == JobState.ALLOCATED
def is_submitted(self) -> bool:
""" Whether this job was submitted or not. """
return self.__state == JobState.SUBMITTED
def is_finished(self) -> bool:
""" Whether this job has finished or not. """
return self.__state in states
def is_rejected(self) -> bool:
""" Whether this job was rejected or not. """
return self.__state == JobState.REJECTED
def start_time(self) -> Optional[float]:
""" The job start time. """
return self.__start_time
def stop_time(self) -> Optional[float]:
""" The job stop time. """
return self.__stop_time
def waiting_time(self) -> Optional[float]:
""" The job waiting time. """
if self.start_time is None:
return None
return self.start_time - self.subtime
def runtime(self) -> Optional[float]:
""" The job runtime.
The minimum value is 1 second.
if self.stop_time is None or self.start_time is None:
return None
return max(1, self.stop_time - self.start_time)
def stretch(self) -> Optional[float]:
""" The job stretch. """
stretch = None
if self.waiting_time is not None:
if self.walltime is not None:
stretch = self.waiting_time / self.walltime
elif self.runtime is not None:
stretch = self.waiting_time / self.runtime
return stretch
def turnaround_time(self) -> Optional[float]:
""" The job turnaround time. """
if self.waiting_time is None or self.runtime is None:
return None
return self.waiting_time + self.runtime
def per_processor_slowdown(self) -> Optional[float]:
""" The job per-processor slowdown. """
if self.turnaround_time is None or self.runtime is None:
return None
return max(1., self.turnaround_time / (self.res * self.runtime))
def slowdown(self) -> Optional[float]:
""" The job slowdown. """
if self.turnaround_time is None or self.runtime is None:
return None
return max(1., self.turnaround_time / self.runtime)
def _allocate(self, hosts: Sequence[int], storage_mapping: Dict[str, int] = None) -> None:
""" Allocate hosts for the job.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
hosts: A sequence of host ids.
storage_mapping: The resource ids of the storages to use.
Defaults to None. Required only if the job needs a storage
RuntimeError: In case of job is not in the queue (e.g. job is
runnable or running).
ValueError: In case of the number of allocated resources does not
match the number requested or the job needs a storage and
the mapping is not defined or valid.
if not self.is_submitted:
raise RuntimeError('The job is not in the queue anymore, '
f'got {self.state}')
if len(hosts) != self.res:
raise ValueError('Expected `hosts` argument to be a list '
f'of length {self.res}, got {hosts}')
if isinstance(self.profile, DataStagingJobProfile):
if not storage_mapping:
raise ValueError(f'Expected storage mapping to be defined, '
f'got {storage_mapping}')
if self.profile.src not in storage_mapping:
raise ValueError(f'Expected storage mapping to '
f'include {self.profile.src}')
if self.profile.dest not in storage_mapping:
raise ValueError(f'Expected storage mapping to '
f'include {self.profile.dest}')
elif isinstance(self.profile, ParallelHomogeneousPFSJobProfile):
if not storage_mapping:
raise ValueError(f'Expected storage mapping to be defined, '
f'got {storage_mapping}')
if not in storage_mapping:
raise ValueError(f'Expected storage mapping to '
f'include {}')
elif storage_mapping:
raise ValueError(f'Expected storage mapping to be empty, '
f'got {storage_mapping}')
self.__allocation = list(hosts)
self.__storage_mapping = storage_mapping
self.__state = JobState.ALLOCATED
def _reject(self) -> None:
""" Rejects the job.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
RuntimeError: In case of job is not in the queue (e.g. job
is runnable or running).
if not self.is_submitted:
raise RuntimeError('Cannot reject a job that is not in the '
f'queue, got {self.state}')
self.__state = JobState.REJECTED
def _submit(self, subtime: float) -> None:
""" Submits the job.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
subtime: The submission time.
RuntimeError: In case of job was already submitted.
ValueError: In case of subtime is invalid.
if self.state != JobState.UNKNOWN:
raise RuntimeError('This job was already submitted.'
f'got, {self.state}')
if subtime < 0:
raise ValueError('Expected `subtime` argument to be greather '
f'than zero, got {subtime}')
self.__state = JobState.SUBMITTED
self.__subtime = float(subtime)
def _start(self, current_time: float) -> None:
""" Start the job.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
current_time: The current simulation time.
RuntimeError: In case of job is not runnable
ValueError: In case of current time is less than the submission time.
if not self.is_runnable:
raise RuntimeError('The job cannot start if it is not '
f'runnable, got {self.state}')
if current_time < self.subtime:
raise ValueError('The `current_time` argument cannot be less '
'than the job submission time, '
f'got {current_time}')
self.__start_time = float(current_time)
self.__state = JobState.RUNNING
def _terminate(self, current_time: float, final_state: JobState) -> None:
""" Terminate the job.
This is an internal method to be used by the simulator only.
current_time: The current simulation time.
final_state: The job final state.
RuntimeError: In case of the job is not running.
ValueError: In case of current time is less than the job start
time or the final state is not one of the possible ones.
if not self.is_running or self.start_time is None:
raise RuntimeError('The job cannot be finished if it is not running'
f'got, {self.state}')
valid_states = (JobState.COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY,
if not final_state in valid_states:
raise ValueError('Expected `final_state` argument to be valid, '
f'got {final_state}')
if current_time < self.start_time:
raise ValueError('Expected `current_time` argument to be greather '
f'than start_time, got {current_time}')
self.__stop_time = float(current_time)
self.__state = final_state